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doctorVet has a built-in USB drive. All doctorVet customers have access to the customer portal where softwear can be downloaded.
Most therapy lasers include the 980 nm wavelength. This is often because they are modifications of dental diode surgical lasers that use 980 nm. The salespeople will tell you it is because it interacts with water and stimulates blood flow. There is no clinical or research proof that 980 stimulates blood flow better than any other NIR wavelength. We do know that 980 nm heats surface tissue of the patient greater than 808 nm and 915 nm. Patient comfort and clinical outcomes were the reasons doctorVet includes these wavelengths.
NEED: Class IV power to treat large treatment volumes in short time
DON’T NEED: 15 Watts of power, a dangerous tool to even a slightly distracted tech.
- NEED: Wavelengths that penetrate and target biological chromophores.
DON’T NEED: A wavelength that targets only water, only to produce heat.
- NEED: Frequencies that span the range of the tissues in the body.
DON’T NEED: Eleven 5-second phases per treatment.
- NEED: A quick and easy way to get a tailored protocol.
DON’T NEED: To touch the screen 11 times to treat a dog, then to have to start all over to repeat the treatment.
- NEED: Consistency from treatment to treatment (TOBI).
DON’T NEED: On-board database to store default protocols just with different names and timestamps.
- NEED: Consistency from tech to tech (TOBI).
- DON’T NEED: Complex modifications of default protocols.
- NEED: Real-time advice on treatment technique.
DON’T NEED: iPad app with pretty graphics and generic summaries.
- NEED: Long term warranty that puts you at ease with your investment.
DON’T NEED: Extra brochures and an iPad thrown it at point-of-sale.
NEED: Class IV power to treat large treatment volumes in short time
DON’T NEED: 15 Watts of power, a dangerous tool to even a slightly distracted tech.
- NEED: Wavelengths that penetrate and target biological chromophores.
DON’T NEED: A wavelength that targets only water, only to produce heat.
- NEED: Frequencies that span the range of the tissues in the body.
DON’T NEED: Eleven 5-second phases per treatment.
- NEED: A quick and easy way to get a tailored protocol.
DON’T NEED: To touch the screen 11 times to treat a dog, then to have to start all over to repeat the treatment.
- NEED: Consistency from treatment to treatment (TOBI).
DON’T NEED: On-board database to store default protocols just with different names and timestamps.
- NEED: Consistency from tech to tech (TOBI).
- DON’T NEED: Complex modifications of default protocols.
- NEED: Real-time advice on treatment technique.
DON’T NEED: iPad app with pretty graphics and generic summaries.
- NEED: Long term warranty that puts you at ease with your investment.
DON’T NEED: Extra brochures and an iPad thrown it at point-of-sale.